The Life Sense
I am overjoyed to report that Chloe has reintegrated into the flock and is now enjoying life once again as a full-time chicken.
Two weeks earlier--after taking Chloe to Sag Harbor and seeing how she used her leg and enjoyed the outdoors--I attempted to put her back in the coop the evening we returned home. She was immediately attacked by the eldest of the flock, Spotty. Spotty knew what I didn't. Chloe wasn't well enough yet.
In Rudolf Steiner's work, he talks about the twelve senses. The second one is the sense of life. This sense is the internal sense of well-being--of being alive. When we are well, we are less concerned with this "life sense," however, we feel it strongly when we have a pain, an illness, or we are tired or hungry. Some of us are acutely aware of our life sense after a night of insomnia, drinking, or eating foods that we don't digest well.
Though Chloe looked well enough on the outside, her subtle life energy signaled she was not yet ready. She needed more rest, more medicine, more time to heal.
This past weekend, while I was back in Sag Harbor, my honey stayed home to tend the farm. We had been putting a few chickens in with Chloe in the garden each day so she would have company and we could slowly reintroduce her to the flock.
He sent me pictures saying that he had let them all into the big yard with Chloe. Closely monitoring Spotty as she again tried to reestablish the pecking order, Chloe was accepted.
I returned home to a fully reintegrated flock. Eric also showed me a giant chocolate colored egg that he found in the garden that day.
"That's a Chloe egg!" I exclaimed. My gorgeous chocolate layer was well enough to begin laying eggs once more. As all beings do when stressed, Chloe's body had shut down non-essential functions like egg-laying. The egg meant her body no longer needed all of its resources to tend her wounds. She could get back to chicken business and I could rest assured that all was well on the farm. For now. ;)
My questions to you: Are you well enough? Is stress limiting your potential? Do you have a sense of how you are?
Join me this week as we develop and hone in to our life sense.
With so much love,