Back from Vacation, and Wanting More ME Time


We had a most relaxing and wonderful time in Mexico. I was totally unplugged from Zoom and social media--and I gave myself full permission to JUST BE. It is amazing how much your relationship to time changes when you don't jam pack every moment.
It becomes expansive. Candidly, my biggest time commitment all week was 2:30pm snack. Bliss.

This month, I'll focus my teaching on self care--something that I also need to practice.
I so frequently hear from clients that they have no time for self care. But just like yoga, you don't need a 2 hour time slot. It's not all or nothing. Take little "me breaks" whenever you can fit them in.
Taking 5 minutes to watch your breath, 10 minutes to prep healthy food for the next morning, or a full hour yoga class, will pay you back by building your energy and focus.

Years ago, when my kids were littler and needed more morning help; I'd get up, make breakfast; pack lunches; locate (fill in blanks): backpacks, instruments, homework, animal care. An AM 3 ring circus. To gain time I took time and made the commitment to get up half hour before anyone else in the house. Game changer! Sitting for just 15 minutes, and having warm lemon water set the tone for the day. It was "me time." It didn't make the morning routine less hectic, but it had changed my energy going into it and around it; thus, the kids took their energetic cues from me and all went smoother. That attitude carried throughout the day. Because self care is a multiplier of time.

Where are the moments in your day or week, when you can contemplate what you want in your life? How might you integrate 2, 5 or 10 "me breaks" into your day?

Join me this week and let's practice self care together.

It is truly timely that I just took this vacation. As most of you know, it was a yoga retreat, so really a working vacation. See? I told you that I, too, am a work in progress. ;)

with so much love,


Mothering Yourself


The Life Sense