Spring Ahead

Dearest Yogis,

Spring is, as its name suggests, springing up all around us. Certain parts of the country, and abroad, are enjoying longer and warmer days, while other areas, my own included, feel a whisper of the promise of spring, an earlier sunrise, a warmer afternoon, but still a biting wind, or a desire to linger under the covers.

We know she is coming, even if she has not arrived yet. The bears in the Berkshires are awake, if still sleepy. And the daffodils have sent their green shoots to break through the thawed ground.

It is such a busy and hopeful time.

On the farm, we have just unplugged the heated waterers as the threat of below freezing nighttime temps is passed. The hens are laying an impressive amount of eggs. The horses resemble mud pies and much to my dismay, love to roll right after they have been brushed.

It is a time of waking up, pushing through, and forging on.

And so, as creatures of nature, must we.

Perhaps you’ve been waiting all winter long for this promise of hope and cannot wait to spring forward and dance outside!

Or, like the drowsy bears, you’d rather roll over and pull the covers over your head for a bit longer…

Or maybe, like the limbo of spring not yet sprung, you vacillate between the two.

We have just the things to help you find balance right now, and commit to new growth ahead.

I hope you will join us.

With so much love,


Where the Rubber Meets the Road


All's Well with Ends That Are Well