It’s the most wonderful time…


We are on the brink of the longest and darkest night of the year.

I am so excited. It's Hygge (pronounced "hoo-gah") season, a Danish philosophy that can be translated as "to cozy around together."

I first heard the word Hygge about 5 years ago when it quickly gained notoriety in the West and was being embraced as somewhat of a wellness trend. I'm not sure about you, but snuggling under blankets by the fire and enjoying tea and cake is definitely a wellness trend that I can get behind!

Because at the root of this practice is togetherness. Creating a cozy atmosphere with a fireplace or candles, leaving problems, technology, and negativity behind, and simply enjoying the company of family and friends. Just like the true spirit of the holidays.

In Ayurveda and Yoga, the definition of true health is physical, mental, and spiritual balance. You can not have health if you are not happy and fulfilled in your soul.

All the modern research tells us that happiness comes down to our social relationships. Interacting, supporting, and helping others is what gives our lives meaning and purpose.

In our fast-paced, over-scheduled--guilty-as-charged--consumer/technology-driven world in which we live, many of us frequently forget how to "slooooooowwwww down" and be with one another without distraction.

So I am intentionally taking a break. I'm heading into this holiday week with my kids as they wrap up their final days before school vacation. Baking and decorating. Cozying and eating cake. Then, we are off to Ecuador for an unplugged vacation.

I will end 2021 and begin 2022 on a two-week social media and teaching hiatus. I will be unplugging and going within, so I can fill the well and work on what is inside me that I want to bring forth for myself and all of you when the light returns.

You are invited to cozy up with yourself and all those who bring you peace and happiness.

Happy Merry Everything,



Happy New Year


Egg Baskets & Self Care