

I have been thinking a lot about health and healing of late. I spent much of last week down and out with the flu.

When I get sick, I tend to fight it. As the mom and COO of the home, farm, kids, and animals, many rely on me to keep all those juggling balls in the air.

I also take it very personally, (half) joking to my friends that it's very insulting, falling ill, considering my ultra-healthy diet and lifestyle.

Yet, I am also human, and everyone gets knocked down in life occasionally.

My teacher says true resiliency is how quickly you get back up. Being able to "bounce back" from life's slings and arrows (and illnesses) is the true sign of wholeness, health, and well-being.

Emerging from an illness or a woe gives you a greater appreciation for the sacred and the mundane. The sky was bluer. The air was crisper. My gratitude was soaring. I went outside and just sat with each of the animals. I wanted to let them know I was okay, why they hadn't seen me for the better part of three days, and to thank them for their understanding. Sitting with them in contemplation and shared time was loving and lovely.

I love these animals. I love what we have built here, what we do and give to all these creatures, great and small.

Sitting in the paddock, surrounded by the goats and the minis, with the chickens milling about, I thought, "What if everyone could create a life that they didn't have to heal from? What would be possible?"

I wish that for each of you.

I wish you all health and healing in all its forms.

In gratitude,



Better Sleep


Pumpkin to Talk About