Beat the Heat


You don't need to watch the news to know that the entire globe seems to be on fire lately.

Many of us live under the oppressive heat wave gripping much of the US and Europe.

I am so grateful that I know how to help myself and my loved ones cope and find relief and balance through Ayurveda.

Some backstory;

During COVID quarantine, I started getting a small patch of red skin on my forehead, which soon spread to my cheeks. At first, I thought it was from the new mask mandate that went into effect, but truth be told, I wasn't masking very much.

I was so self-conscious about it; plus, it hurt like I had a sunburn. So I booked an appt with a dermatologist that summer when they finally saw patients in person again. Full of hope that they would have the remedy for my rosacea, I was devastated when I was told there was no cure. The Dr. said it is primarily hereditary and, no joke, told me to go to the drugstore, buy a bottle of Afrin nasal spray, and mix 1/3 of the bottle in with my moisturizer and use it every morning. Afrin has vasoconstricting properties, so, in theory, it will narrow the capillaries and make my cheeks appear less red.

I had sought out a specialist to try and address the root cause but was only given a hack mask fix that added known problematic chemicals to my already tender and burn-like skin. This seemed ludicrous to me.

I knew that there had to be a better way, a real solution.

So I turned to the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and soon enrolled in a year-long Health Counselor Program.

I healed my rosacea from the inside.

By eating things that would cool the internal fire that was "spilling out" through my pores, the redness, pain, and irritation went away.

It was like magic--but it wasn't. It was nutritional alchemy. Stop putting heating things onto and into an already too hot and too big fire.

Ayurveda is so simple, so intelligent, and so intuitive.

It is my great joy and mission to bring this wisdom to others.

Won't you join me?

This weekend we are kicking off a month-long of balancing your mind and body in summer, and I am teaming up with the BEST to bring it to YOU!

Join Larissa Hall Carlson and me this Sunday, July 31st, 11 AM-2 PM, for a 3-hour workshop where we will delve into the nature of Summer (Pitta season) and the Pitta aspects of your personal constitution.

What you get:

  • Learn diet and lifestyle tips to help keep you cool as a cucumber this summer.

  • A balancing yoga practice

  • Cooling pranayama practice

  • Meditation

  • Nourishing and cooling summer recipe suggestions

  • Summer Grocery List

Can't attend live? All participants will receive the recording to do at their leisure!

Each Wednesday at 9 AM in August, Larissa will lead Pitta Balancing Yoga Classes on Kari & Co.

Please contact me if interested in a private one-on-one Ayurvedic Health Counseling session.

August is gonna be COOL.

With love,



The Sunday of Summer


Puppies & Enlightenment