We teach best what we most need to learn.



In November, my teacher, Nevine, asked me if I would lead a calendar workshop with her new 2023 Magic Calendar.


For those unfamiliar with Nevine Michaan, she is the founder of the Katonah Yoga Method, the amazing therapeutic yoga I practice and teach. She is part poet, part mystic, and understands the Universe and the body akin to the Great Masters.


Flattered and terrified, I did the only thing I could, which is to say, I ignored her email for the better part of a week. I didn't even know what a "calendar workshop" would involve. Plus, I feel like I am the last person to teach anyone about time management, particularly since I am Often accused of taking on too much and overextending myself. I definitely feel the pressure of these habits from time to time.


Nevertheless, I love that Nevine asked me to represent her work.  Nevine's Katonah Magic Calendars are works-of-art. The calendars include manuals on meditations, yoga, and how we fit into the grand scheme of things… the moon, the cosmos, and time itself.  I have her calendars from 2017 onward. They are on my bookshelf with other yoga books, and I frequently use old calendars as resources. Although the calendars cover a year, they are in some ways ageless.


Perhaps it is a function of my Gen X leanings, while in the same way that nothing compares to the feel and smell of a good book or the way that bringing pen to paper allows you to calm your mind and soothe yourself, looking back at these calendars has become a ritual of my life. They stimulate reflection on where you've been, so you can adequately plan where you are going.  A new calendar is like a fresh start, a blank canvas of potential that you can design and fill and see a big picture view and day by day simultaneously.


In my pondering, I was reminded of a quote that has served me well over my decades of teaching.

"We teach best what we most need to learn." Richard Bach, Illusions


So, of course, I wrote her back and said, "YES!"


As Eric sweetly reminded me, I would be a great person to lead this workshop because of everything I manage and tend to at any given moment. And I'm getting it all done.


The workshop will introduce the calendar (calendar included) and how to use the 5 elements to help with time management.  Then we will practice together; yoga, breathing, and meditation on how to expand and slow time.


I do hope you will join me.

Click here to register.

If you already have a 2023 Katonah Yoga® calendar and wish to join the workshop, register here. This event page is priced without the calendar inclusion.

Let's make some magic.


With so much love,



Like Gangbusters!


Happy New Year