One Degree At A Time…

Hola Yogis!

We had the most fantastical vacation, touring and exploring three vastly different regions in Ecuador.
While the trip was not “relaxing,” it was, “rejuvenating.”

I pledged to also take a vacation from social media and email so I could just be present with myself, my honey, and the landscape and wildlife.
I feel restored, reset, and ready for 2022!

Eric and I took a New Years Day hike in the Andes and talked about our hopes and plans for this coming year. We committed to ourselves and each other and we have one another as accountability partners.
Of course, yoga and our spiritual practice topped the list, as well as healthy lifestyle and eating.

Many people resolve to be healthier in the new year. In fact, January is the biggest sales month for yoga studios and gyms.
By early February, the majority of people have given up on their resolutions.

So rather that making a resolution, put that decision into action and make a revolution.

Rather than pledging to join a gym, take up running, start a diet that is unsustainable, think in terms of baby steps.
What can you begin now, that you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle?
Do 5 minutes of movement in the morning, sit quietly for 2 minutes, do an online class, try a recipe from the platform, take up knitting (ends up on my list almost every year!)

When you break things down into small increments, goals are achievable, you see results and are more motivated to continue and add one more thing.

Pretty soon, you’ve started a revolution, one degree at a time.

Kari and Co. is here for you.
Look for new challenges and practices dropping in January.
You got this!

Happy New Year,


Patience & Perseverance


Happy New Year