
Dear Yogis,

Winding down an action-packed long weekend filled with soccer tournaments, dressage clinics, garage cleaning and paddock building.

The barn, where we board our horses, brought in an International Dressage Trainer and Grand Prix rider to do a 3-day clinic. Lotus had the good fortune to have lessons with him on both our horses.

Since she started riding at the age of seven, Lotus has had the habit of looking down while on the horse. Now, turning 14 and being 5’9 she looks down on almost everyone, and still, while on her horse.

Sitting beside the trainer yesterday, during Lotus’ lesson, I listened in on the trainer’s calm yet authoritative instruction; he told her to do this and that in order to give the horse clear direction and to soften them both so there was a relaxation in their movement.

By the end of the lesson, as Lotus and Sterling were cantering around harmoniously, he had distilled his instruction down to such clarity that, when said in beat to the hoof falls, sounded melodic.

“Look Forward. Think Forward. Go Forward.”

The cadence, the words, the genius. Beginning to chant along with him in my head, I knew that I had found a new mantra.

Being a yoga expert and a riding novice, I am constantly amazed at the interplay and similarity between these two disciplines. Both practices require a lot of body awareness and sensitivity to do them well. The breath is the bridge between mind and body, between horse and rider.

“Look Forward. Think Forward. Go Forward.”

In yoga asana, if you are dropping your vision, you are stuck in your back and back on your butt. As above, so below. If you want forward motion, impulsion, you have to visualize it, think it, do it.

Where in your life are you hanging back, waiting, stalling?

Where is there a lack of momentum, movement, mindfulness?

What one small step can you take this week to change the energy, create a spark, and see farther?

You want it?

Look Forward. Think Forward. Go Forward! (with or without a horse) 😉

With so much love,



Speaking of thinking forward…


Life Is A Balancing Act


No Good Deed