Breaking Down Borders

It was a whirlwind of a weekend. Two seven- hour drives. Two countries. And lots of hugging and dancing in between.

Last month Canada reopened their borders which had been closed to non-essential travel since March 2020. Just in time for us to make the trip up for my nephew’s Bar Mitzvah, the Jewish coming of age celebration for 13 year olds, usually accompanied by a giant party.
The celebration had been rescheduled 3 times because of COVID.

With regulations changing and numbers fluctuating, you can imagine how the anticipation was growing as the day approached.
There were many logistical hoops to jump through to have all the paperwork in order. The timing had to be just right so we could get COVID tests before traveling, yet have results before we reached the border.

With a huge sigh of relief, we crossed into Canada Friday afternoon, hours before my sister and brother in law had a dinner for the extended family.

My children and I have not been to Canada in over 2 years, which means that my family has not seen my kids in that long. My father is 83 now. It was long overdue.

As we danced and celebrated my nephew, Jackson, on Saturday night, the undercurrent of meaning and gratitude was palpable.

A reckoning of sorts. On one hand, a slight trepidation of being with so many people, dancing, close contact, as if in the isolation of COVID, we had lost some social skills. And then, the relief, the joy, the gratitude of being with loved ones, not seen in so long, of being amongst many people, dancing, connecting.

My dad had his 4 children and 10/11 grandchildren in one room. He couldn’t stop crying. Neither could I. It was finally time to celebrate.

Borders will break down. Pandemics will end.
The Renaissance is guaranteed.

The question is, will you be around and ready for it?

Wishing you a week full of gratitude and celebration,

With so much love,


No Good Deed

