Breathe Free

Happy August!

We have a gift for you this month.

It’s the second half of summer, and it’s supposed to be the season of laying in hammocks, reading novels, and taking it easy.

If that is how you are spending your time, kudos to you!

Most of us are overworked, stressed, exhausted, and burnt out.

Personally, with my kids gone at camp for three weeks, I am full speed ahead, blowing and going as they say, with farm projects and animal rescues and strategizing and planning my work schedule and teaching engagements through Spring 2024.

My saving grace? My meditation and pranayama practice. When yoga came to the West, there was such an emphasis on asana, the physical aspect of yoga.

In the classical texts, the focus is on meditation. In fact, “asana” is only mentioned once in the Yoga Sutras where it says, “Sthira Sukham Asanam.” Translated as your seat (for meditation should be steady and comfortable).

A good way to think about it is that asana forms the cup, pranayama fills the cup, and meditation is the elixir.

Asana without pranayama is missing a whole limb of Astanga Yoga.

See how breathing brings your yoga practice to a new level and vice versa.

My partner, Tiger Bye, simultaneously received her Masters in Public Health from Georgetown University and her Master Instructor Certification in the Oxygen Advantage.

Breathing was the key to getting her through the stress of grad school, ultimately becoming her senior thesis, and is now her life’s work.

She believes that Breathing Well is a matter of public health, and disseminating this information is the most efficient way for people to take charge of their health so we have personal and communal well-being.

The Oxygen Advantage Method explains, with science, what the Rishis knew thousands of years ago. This breathwork optimizes health, mental clarity, and performance.

We want everyone to have this information.

We are opening up our site and granting FREE ACCESS to all Breathing Content for the whole month.

So you can BREATHE FREE all month long on BETTER YOGA.

Here’s to your health,



Goodbye Is the Goal


For June. For Women. By Women