Fall Forward


It is officially Fall, my favorite season.

Harvest Season. Vata Season, according to Ayurveda.

It is time to take care of the lungs and the large intestine so you can have a healthy winter.

We have a bounty of offerings for you this month on Better Yoga, both online and in person.

Happy Harvesting!

Why cleanse?

Unfortunately, we live in a toxic world. Chemicals, preservatives, plastics and pollutants end up in our water, air, soil and food. This means that they also end up in our bodies. Even the most sophisticated filtering systems, thank you liver, colon and kidneys; need some extra help now and again.

Fall and Spring, the "transitional seasons" are the optimal time to cleanse the body and reset the digestive system.

Our Gentle Ayurvedic Cleanse is designed to stoke your agni (digestive fire) so you can help rid your body and tissues of these pollutants that may be dampening and overburdening your digestion. If you experience any digestive upset: gas, bloating, reflux, constipation, skin issues, fatigue, frequent colds then your body is asking for a reset and reboot.

And if you have never cleansed before, this cleanse is easy on the system. You won't feel hungry, cold or deprived. Being in a community virtually ensures your success and being guided by two Ayurvedic specialists, you will be helped and cheered on along the way.

We have two options and only 2 spots left in the "Cleanse with Consults" package.

Your digestive system is where your immune system lives.

Do something wonderful for your Self.

In health,



Practice with Me in Person


Goodbye Is the Goal